reflecting on musical dialogue

05 October 2015

Author: Clea Friend

This pilot weekend really hit the ground running. There was a sense of excitement and for me apprehension as we were all stepping into something new. Between us we all have different ways of creating, performing and notating music and sound. One of the long-term ambitions for this project is to see whether there is way to share these variety of methods and to make collaborations simpler through notation.

For me the process is more than 50% of the work - and rewarding in this environment. It was a luxury for all of us to be 'trapped' on an island with no other distractions (not even phone reception!). I was very excited to work with the three young composers from the RCS. They really embraced the work and understood its importance. I was very impressed with the way they worked with Jay, myself and all the new technology. I believe that the modern day composer needs to be aware of the rapidly increasing options available through technology and that there are many musicians who are currently under the radar because they are perceived to be 'dis'-abled. Surely the most wonderful thing about music is that it is non-verbal communication and thereby a language that can be used by the millions of people who can't use words. My most profound musical experiences have been in an environment where a connection is made with a fellow performer through musical dialogue.

KEYWORD TAGS: Aran Browning composer


Calouste Gulbenkian foundation
British Council